UUHA Earth Sunday Event - “Journey of the Universe” Film Screening

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All are welcome to join the UUHA on Sunday, April 25, for a special online screening of Journey of the Universe, a unique odyssey of cosmic, biological and cultural evolution that offers insight and inspiration for our present ecological challenges.

UUHA Film Screening Event: Journey of the Universe

  • When: Sunday, April 25
  • Time: 4:00pm Eastern Time (3:00pm Central | 2:00pm Mountain | 1:00pm Pacific)
  • Length: 50 Minutes, followed by a post-film discussion moderated by UUHA Vice President James Witker
  • Where: Meeting on Zoom (Login Instructions Below)

In this course of this Emmy Award-winning film’s sweeping 50 minutes, Prof. Brian Swimme guides us on a scientific and spiritual Great Story, from the birth of the universe to the emergence of complex structures, from the dawn of life as we know it to the conscious present moment. The whole experience is framed by a single day on the Greek island of Samos, a historic locus of science and philosophy.

But different from purely scientific approaches, “Journey” is perhaps the first documentary to integrate the arts and humanities into the cosmic big picture. Decades in the making, it is based on the life’s work of the late Fr. Thomas Berry, renowned cultural historian and scholar of both science and religion, who prophetically outlined a New Story of the world that could unite humankind and guide us into a future of harmony with our imperiled home planet.

Journey of the Universe is currently celebrating its tenth anniversary, and since its premiere has grown into a multi-disciplinary project that now includes a prominent conversations series, online courses through the Yale Forum on Religion and Ecology, podcasts, and more. We will discuss and respond to the film as time allows, and we’ll also have a chance to learn about the resources that this larger project offers for UU Humanists and others interested in a worldview grounded in empirical knowledge and redolent with potential cultural and personal meaning.

Join Zoom Meeting:

Link: https://zoom.us/j/93748389695
Meeting ID: 937 4838 9695

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Meeting ID: 937 4838 9695
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About Justin Jagoe

Justin Jagoe's picture

Justin is the Administrator for the Unitarian Universalist Humanist Association (UUHA).

Pronouns: He/Him/His